About Us
Below The Surface is one of the oldest dive schools in Yorkshire, we started in 1991 to provide quality diving education we made the decision to provide a more personal feel to learning to dive by only taking small groups rather than the large impersonal groups students can find themselves in. We are now very proud to be a PADI Dive Centre & PADI Youth Training Centre an SSI Dive Centre, BSAC Training Centre & Raid Centre.,
PADI Master Instructor, SSI Assistant Instructor Trainer, BSAC Assistant Advanced instructor & Owner
Bill has been diving for over 50 years , since the age of 14. He was a military diver until he left in 1986 and has been teaching recreational diving ever since. He is a PADI master instructor but also BSAC, SSI & SAA. He started Below The Surface dive school in 1991. He has enjoyed diving all over the world and has taught professionally all over the world.
PADI Staff Instructor, SSI Assistant instructor trainer, BSAC Dive Leader & Owner
I joined Below The Surface in 2009 on a Discover Scuba & have been here ever since. Now no longer a student, although always learning! I am now a PADI Staff Instructor & EFR first aid Instructor & an SSI Assistant instructor trainer as well as looking after the accounts, advertising, admin, running the dive trips & helping Bill in the dive centre, when I can.
BSAC Instructor , PADI Assistant Instructor & SSI Assistant Instructor.
Ian is an key member of the team, having also come through with us from an initial Discover Scuba session & without his help we would struggle, he is loved by the students he supported as a divemaster & discover scuba divers love his sessions. He is an accomplished diver with fantastic skills & an invaluable member of our team.
PADI Divemaster
2022 saw Brian has complete his PADI Divemaster course but Brian has been Bills right hand man for many years joining below the surface in 1996 and working up the qualifications whilst all the time being there whenever we need help. He likes nothing better than to dive in the Scottish waters and St Abbs is a particular favourite. Always up for a dive trip, Brian is an invaluable member of the team always providing help and support in so many ways.
SSI Divemaster SSI Snorkel Instructor
Stuart has been changed as a result of doing firstly the SSI dive guide course & then topping up with his science of diving to achieve his SSI Divemaster qualification. He may not know it but we saw a different diver as a result, one we now feel is a valuable member of the team, who will always look after the more nervous of the qualified divers, offering them his support & therefore allowing them to grow in confidence. it's been great to see. He now operates many of our snorkel courses which all our divers get as part of the SSI open water course, which he does with the same care & confidence & we appreciate his help greatly. Stuart says of diving .... Stuart met Bill over 20 years ago and passed his Open water with Below the Surface. Having stopped diving a few years later Stuart reignited his interest 3 years ago and has now achieved SSI Dive Guide and Divemaster status "Diving is a team sport but allows personal enjoyment in the most beautiful waters of the world. As a team player I wanted to improve my own abilities and help with dives keeping everyone safe. BTS has facilitate that in bucket loads. It is a real honour to be part of Sally and Bills extended team."
PADI Rescue Diver & Standby Diver
Chris was dragged along by Thomas when he wanted to dive but has become a great diver with the skills to become a divemaster but is happy to help us as a Rescue diver & standby diver & always offers help with those who as new divers need a little support when taking those first steps on their own after qualifying. We appreciate his support greatly & is a valued member of the team.