PADI Master Instructor, SSI Assistant Instructor Trainer, BSAC Assistant Advanced instructor & Owner

Bill has been diving for over 50 years , since the age of 14. He was a military diver until he left in 1986 and has been teaching recreational diving ever since. He is a PADI master instructor but also BSAC, SSI & SAA. He started Below The Surface dive school in 1991. He has enjoyed diving all over the world and has taught professionally all over the world.

Bill says on diving "I work in the biggest fish tank in the world and I love it!  It’s the best office imaginable.  I still get such a kick when my students finish their course and I see the pleasure in their faces! You just cant beat it! I love to dive in the UK  in fact my favourite dive site is the summer isles in Scotland even the great barrier reef has to come second to it!”